Ag Education
There's always something to learn on the farm.
They call it agritourism – and if you’ve ever visited a pumpkin patch or toured a Kentucky Horse Farm, you’ve experienced it. Agritourism is defined as The act of visiting a working farm or any agricultural, horticultural, or agribusiness operation for the purpose of enjoyment, education, or active involvement in the activities of the farm or operation. That’s quite a mouthful, so we just like to say – Kentucky Farms Are Fun! And farm tourism is a terrific way to explore Kentucky while supporting our hardworking farm families.
Between our busy schedules and the ever-increasing costs of travel, most of us are limited on the number of vacations or weekend getaways we can plan in a year. A Kentucky farm tour can be a spontaneous day trip – a fun experience for the whole family or an impromptu adventure for you and your favorite partner in crime. And there’s no shortage of things to do on Kentucky farms. From educational trips to trail rides, sipping a bit of bourbon, or picking out your own live Christmas tree, explore the veritable treasure-trove Kentucky farms offer all year round!
There's always something to learn on the farm.
Hop on over to a local Kentucky Proud brewery.
"Looks Great! Little full. Lotta sap." - Clark Griswold
From grain to glass, experience Kentucky's native spirit.
Fun on the farm with a little added entertainment.
Come in and stay a while!
Can you dig it?
Pick a perfect day for the entire family.
The freshest food comes from Kentucky farms.
Take the road less traveled.
Enjoy the perfect pairings with your pals.
Agritourism gives Kentucky farmers an opportunity to generate additional income by inviting the public to their farms. It provides educational opportunities while helping to keep the family farm for the next generation. Use the search feature on this page to discover a farm adventure today and learn just how fun a Kentucky farm can be.
As a growing industry in the United States, agritourism presents a number of opportunities for Kentucky farmers. If you own a farm business and would like to learn more about these opportunities and additional resources, check out the latest Kentucky Proud Agritourism Handbook.